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Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology > Article
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2009;5(2): 47-64.         doi: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.09014
Health Technology Assessment in Korea
Seon Heui Lee
Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, Health Technology Assessment Department
한국의 신의료기술평가제도
Corresponding Author: Seon Heui Lee ,Tel: +82-10-9369-7326, Email: sunarea68@hiramail.net
Received: November 19, 2009;  Accepted: December 22, 2009.
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Objectives : The new health technology assessment system was introduced in April 2007. The result of new health technology assessment is assessing safety and effectiveness for deciding a behavior of new health technology according to the Health Insurance Act. The research aims to introduce the new health technology assessment system of our country and to search for its development method. Method : This research introduces the background that the new health technology assessment system was introduced to our country shares an assessment methodology and its assessment status, and searches for a development direction of the new health technology assessment system in the future. Results : The new health technology assessment committee is being installed in the Ministry of Health and Welfare The assessment procedure of new health technology is largely divided into application, assessment and publication steps. The first ‘application step”is to receive new health technology in the time introducing to the medical market from the applicant The second ‘assessment step’is the establishment of an actual evaluation plan and discusses the recommendations through 3-4 times. In the last official announcement step, the results are reported to the minister of health and welfare and decision-makers. Conclusion : As of September 30, 2009, Assessment of 208 items(90.0%) among 231 items was completed. As the Assessment Service met the third year of the system, it is searching for a method that continuously improves problems of operation of the system such as support on health technology with insufficient literature, etc. In order to make the new health technology assessment settle down well, the continuous interest and efforts of a people, academic circles and medical profession will be necessary.
Keywords: Health technology assessment | safety | effectiveness
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