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Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology > Article
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2010;6(2): 64-69.         doi: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.10021
Experience with Transareolar Endoscopic Partial Mastectomy in Patients with Breast Cancer : 5 Years Follow-up Results
Dong Woo Kang, Yon Seon Kim, Hong Rae Jo, Byung Kyun Ko
Department of Surgery, Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan University College of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea
유방암 환자에서 내시경을 이용한 유륜부절개 부분 유방절제술에 대한 경험 및 5년 추적 관찰의 결과
강동우, 김연선, 조홍래, 고병균
울산대학교 의과대학 울산대학교병원 외과
Corresponding Author: Byung Kyun Ko ,Tel: +82-52-250-7109, Fax: +82-52-250-8071, Email: byungkyunko@naver.com
Received: November 20, 2010;  Accepted: December 23, 2010.
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Purpose: Breast conserving surgery has been a standard surgery for breast cancers. This operation has a great cosmetic advantage over total mastectomy. Although breast conserving surgery can retain a good shape of the breast, an operation scar would be a disadvantage. Endoscopic surgery can be performed via a small and remote incision that becomes inconspicuous after surgery. We therefore designed transareolar endoscopic partial mastectomy in breast conserving surgery for breast cancer. Materials and
Methods: Fifteen patients with breast cancer underwent transareolar endoscopic partial mastectomy. A semicircular incision was made around areolar and skin flap was made by using VisiportTM and deepened to the lateral edge of the mammary gland. For mobilization of the mammary gland from pectoralis muscle, we used a preperitoneal distention balloon system (PDB). The PDB allowed us to mobilize sufficiently mammary gland from the pectoralis muscle. After freeing half of the mammary gland, tumor was excised without difficulty with negative margins.
Results: The mean age of patients was 47.5 years. The mean tumor size was 2.0 cm (range: 1.3-3.0 cm) and the mean tumor distance from nipple was 4.0 cm (range: 2.5-5.0 cm). In all patients, the tumor was excised with negative margins. After a mean follow up of 5 years, no patient had local recurrence, but one patient experienced distant metastasis. A patient satisfaction survey showed that all of patients evaluated the surgery as °∞Good°±.
Conclusion: Transareolar endoscopic partial mastectomy is an effective technique and feasible with a good cosmetic results. However, further study with more patients and long-term follow-up is needed.
Keywords: Breast neoplasm | Breast conserving surgery | Endoscopic partial mastectomy
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