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Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology > Article
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2011;7(2): 114-121.         doi: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.11027
Inguinal lymph node dissection in patients with skin cancer
Pyung An Jung, Seung Pil Jung, Jung Hee Lee, Ji Yeong Kim, Min Yeong Choi, Se Kyung Lee, Jun-Ho Choe, Jeong Eon Lee, Jee Soo Kim, Seok-Jin Nam, Jung-Han Kim
Department of Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sunkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
피부암 환자에서의 서혜부 림프절 곽청술
정평안, 정승필, 이정희, 김지영, 최민영, 이세경, 최준호, 이정언, 김지수, 남석진, 김정한
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 외과학교실
Corresponding Author: Jung-Han Kim ,Tel: +82-2-3410-0926, Fax: +82-2-3410-6982, Email: jhkim15@skku.edu
Received: September 23, 2011;  Accepted: October 20, 2011.
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Purpose : To evaluate the results and experience of inguinal lymph node dissection in patients with skin cancer. Methods : 43 patients were underwent inguinal lymph node dissection for skin cancer spread to the lymph nodes in SMC between Mar 2002 and Jul 2010. We investigated postoperative complications, recurrence rate, survival rate from their medical records, retrospectively. Results : Among 43 patients, 35 cases were diagnosed as malignant melanoma and 8 were diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma. 12.6 lymph nodes were retrieved, and 2.46 lymph nodes were metastasized on average. Complications such as lymphedema in lower extremities, skin necrosis, seroma were occurred in 35 patients (81.4%). But most were recovered with conservative management. During 24.5(3-83) months of follow up periods, 20 patients (46.5%) had recurrences of skin cancer and 8(18.6%) of them were expired. Results : Generally, skin cancer spread to lymph nodes shows poor prognosis and inguinal lymph nodes dissection is a procedure resulting in high rate of complications. However, if this is performed properly by experienced surgeons, the recurrence and serious complications could be reduced.
Keywords: Skin cancer | malignant melanoma | Squamous cell carcinoma | Inguinal lymph node dissection
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