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Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology > Article
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2011;7(1): 72-78.         doi: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.11012
Is the high level of expertise in open gastrectomy an essential requirement to start laparoscopic gastrectomy?
Dae Sang Lee, Seung Soo Lee, Seung Wan Ryu, In Ho Kim, Soo Sang Sohn
Department of Surgery, Keimyung University School of Medicine
복강경 위절제술과 개복 위절제술을 유사한 시기에 수술자로서 경험한 외과 전문의의 수술 결과 및 생존율
이대상, 이승수, 류승완, 김인호, 손수상
계명대학교 동산의료원 외과학 교실
Corresponding Author: Soo Sang Sohn ,Tel: +82-53-250-7313, Fax: +82-53-250-7322, Email: sohnss@dsmc.or.kr
Received: May 23, 2011;  Accepted: June 20, 2011.
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Purpose : The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcomes and prognosis after laparoscopy assisted distal gastrectomy (LADG) and open distal subtotal gastrectomy (ODG) by a surgeon who started his role as an operator for LADG and ODG contemporaneously. Materials and Methods : A surgeon started his role as an operator for LADG and ODG in late 2004 around the same time. Between September 2004 and August 2009, 236 patients with early gastric cancer underwent LADG (n = 160) or ODG (n = 76). The clinicopathological characteristics, surgical outcomes and survival were analyzed from the review of medical records. Result : The operation time was significantly longer in LADG group (p<0.001), and the amount of surgical bleeding was significantly smaller in LADG group (p<0.001). The numbers of retrieved lymph nodes were 49.0 °æ 17.3 in LADG group and 60.2 °æ 24.2 in ODG group (p<0.001). The rates of complications were not significantly different between two groups. Five-year overall survival of LADG group and ODG group were 93.3% and 93.7% respectively (p=0.665). Conclusion : For a surgeon who started the role as an operator for LADG and ODG contemporaneously, performing LADG was feasible and safe. The high level of expertise in ODG as an operator may not be an essential requirement for surgeons to start LADG.
Keywords: gastrectomies | laparoscopy | stomach neoplasms | survival | treatment outcome
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