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Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology > Article
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2012;8(1): 57-62.         doi: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.12008
Ultrasound features of triple negative breast carcinoma
Na ri Park, Chung Han Lee, Dong Won Ryu
Department of Surgery Kosin University Hospital, Busan, Korea
삼중음성유방암의 초음파상 특징적 형태
박나리, 이충한, 류동원
고신대학교병원 외과학 교실
Corresponding Author: Dong Won Ryu ,
Received: September 1, 2011;  Accepted: June 18, 2012.
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Purpose : Triple-negative breast cancer is characterized as a cancer with a high malignancy potential and a poor prognosis. Therefore, early detection of this subtype of breast cancer is vital. In this paper, we describe ultrasound findings of triple-negative breast cancer in our hospital cases and investigate the specific features of this subtype. Methods : From June 2010 to December 2010, ultrasound findings of 74 patients with breast cancer were retrospectively reviewed. Ultrasound findings were reviewed according to the BI-RADs. Ultrasound findings were classified as masses, low echoic area, distortions, and calcifications. Noted features included shapes, patterns of internal echoes, posterior echoes, vascularity. Chi-squared tests were used for statistical analysis. Results : Round shape was found in 20 patients (54.1%) in TNBC. And microlobulated margin was found in 16 patients (43.2%) in TNBC. Also echogenic halo and posterior acoustic enhancement was found in 34 patients (91.9%), 12 patients (32.4%) respectively. Round shape was more associated with TNBC than other tumor types (p=0.018). Also posterior acoustic enhancement was associated with TNBC than other tumor type (p=0.022). Conclusion : Ultrasound imaging together revealed that the ultrasound features of triple negative breast cancer include a round mass, with posterior echogenic enhancement.
Keywords: Triple Negative Breast Cancer | Ultrasound feature | round shape | posterior acoustic enhancement
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