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Korean J Clin Oncol. 2005;1(1): 68-73.
Systemic overview of 5-FU based chemotherapy in breast cancer
Jung Han Yoon
Department of Surgery, Chonnam National University Medical School
5-FU를 이용한 유방암 항암요법의 전반적 이해
전남대학교 의과대학 외과학교실
Corresponding Author: Jung Han Yoon ,Tel: 82-61-379-7646, Fax: 82-61-379-7661, Email: jhyoon@chonnam.ac.kr
Received: May 30, 2005;  Accepted: June 28, 2005.
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5-FU is one of the oldest but effective chemotherapeutics for breast cancer and routinely used in single modality or combined modality with other chemotherapeutic agents. Recent studies show that continous infusion of 5-FU providse a significantly superior response rate to bolus injection. Based on these results, many regimens consisted with 5-FU only in continuous infusion or addition of other active chemotherapeutic agents were reported. These trials show meaningful palliative results for even heavily, pretreated, anthracycline-resistant metastatic breast cancer patients. Orally administered fluoropyrimidine and 5-FU prodrug can provide the therapeutic effects to mimic continuious infusion of 5-FU and be regarded as very effective agents with low toxicity and out patient clinic based convenient administration. So, many studies were performed to reduce toxicities, enhance controlled release activity and localize the drug delivery of 5-FU. In conclusion, 5-FU is still an active promising chemotherapeutic agent for treatment of early staged breast cancer patients as well as palliative treatments for advanced and metastatic breast cancer patients.
Keywords: 5-FU | modulator | resistance
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