Korean J Clin Oncol. 2006;2(3): 6-14.
The Systemic Therapy of Breast Cancer |
Heung Kyu Park, Hyun Young Kim, Hye Kyoung Kim |
Department of surgery, The University of Gachen Medicine and Scienee, GiI Medical Center |
유방암의 전신치료요법 |
박홍규, 김현영, 김혜경 |
가천의과학대학 길병원 외과학교실 |
Corresponding Author:
Heung Kyu Park ,Tel: +82-32-460-3268, Fax: +82-32-460-3247, Email: |
Received: May 14, 2006; Accepted: June 15, 2006. |
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Breast cancer has been one of the most common cancer of women worldwide. The mortality of breast cancer 'has been serious medical and social problems. ln Korea, breast cancer is the most common cancer of wømen and, increases rapidly. In 1950s the concept of breast cancer was advocated to not local disease but systemic disease, so the systemic fherapy of fhe breast cancer - chemotherapy and endocrine therapy -has been investigated very actively. Even though the survival benefit of breast cancer patients is due to the early diagnosis,and treatment through early examination, it is also true that the systemic therapy make the patients Iive longer. The Korea breast cancer society announced the breast cancer practice guidelines. These can be made based on the NGCN(National Comprehensive Cancer Network) practice guidelines and these were revised for the Korean circumstances. From now on more clincal researches about the treatment of breast cancer must be performed in Korea, so it is desirab!e to select the systemic therapy of breast cancer by the result of 'the our studies. |
breast cancer | systemic therapy | NCCN practice guidelines |