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Clinical influence of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy on immunonutritional status in locally advanced rectal cancer
Soohyeon Lee, Dong Hyun Kang, Tae Sung Ahn, Dong Hee Jo, Eunhyeon Kim, Moo Jun Baek
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2023;19(1):3-10.   Published online June 30, 2023     DOI: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.23002
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Short-course radiotherapy and chemotherapy for conversion surgery in patients with unresectable metastatic rectal cancer: a preliminary case series study
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Nine months versus 12 months of adjuvant trastuzumab for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer
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Long-term oncologic outcomes in pathologic tumor response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer
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Korean J Clin Oncol. 2018;14(1):37-42.   Published online June 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.18006
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Oncologic outcomes of squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal after chemoradiation therapy
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Tangential beam intensity modulated radiotherapy versus tangential beam three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in carcinoma breast: A dosimetric comparison and clinical correlation
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Is preoperative chemoradiotherapy warranted in magnetic resonance imaging-based clinically T3N0 rectal cancer?
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Korean J Clin Oncol. 2014;10(1):29-34.   Published online June 30, 2014     DOI: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.14011
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